Europe alone has hundreds of platforms. I’ve listed here few of them that I invest in myself or are on my radar to invest in. You can check my portfolio or latest portfolio update to see where I’m currently investing in.
Consumer loan
Lendermarket is CreditStar Groups sister company and it’s platform dedicated to CreditStar Group loans. CreditStar operates in Finland, Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Poland, UK and Czech Republic where it has a lending license. CreditStar is one of the highest rated loan originators on Mintos by ExploreP2P. It’s profitable and has proven track record. Lendermarket gives 1% investment bonus for first 60 days investments to my readers.
PeerBerry is originally founded by Aventus Group but since been sold to private investors. PeerBerry has other loan originators also now and has become the number two platform of continental Europe. PeerBerry main has short term loans but it also has some real estate and leasing loans. You’ll get a 0,5% bonus for your first 3 months of investments.
Short term loans with fixed 14% interest and 30 days buyback guarantee. Loans are from Wandoo Finance Group which provides loans in Spain, Denmark and Poland.
Business loans
Crowdestor is specialized in business and real estate loans. Loans typically have some collateral or pledge. Interest rates are really high but so are risks. Crowdestor granted a 3 month recovery period to all borrowers in March and payments are slowly starting to normalize. The platform hasn’t had a single default yet but there are some loans that are late.
Debitum has short term business loans with interest rate ranging from 7,5 – 15%. The loans typically have collateral or are insured by third party buyback.
Flender is an Irish SME lender. It doesn’t provide buyback guarantee but their track record is really good, only 0,2% loans have defaulted. The average interest is around 10% and ranges from 6 – 15%. You’ll get 5% bonus for first 30 day investments.
Real estate
Bulkestate offers real estate development loans for mainly Latvian projects. They’ve had many successful projects and some even quite high interest rate. The high rate loans are shorter in term and borrower can repay them early without penalty. They have expert team and use external party to do independent evaluation on the collateral value.
Estateguru provides bridge funding to real estate projects. They also have business loans with real estate collateral but I’d say away from those. Estateguru has recently expanded to Finland and have some Finnish listings also. Use code EGU49215 to get 0,5% bonus for 90 day investments.
EvoEstate is interesting real estate aggregator. They list selected deals from other platforms such as ReInvest24, Brickstarter, Housers, Crowdestor and Nordstreet to name a few. They also have exclusive projects. You’ll get 0,5% cashback bonus from first 180 days investments.
Groundfunding is a Finnish real estate P2P/Crowd funding platform. They have crowd funding license from Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority. They usually have just one project for funding at a time and minimum investment is typically few thousand euros. It’s good for diversification if you have large portfolio.
Reinvest24 is Estonian real estate crowd funding platform. They offer equity deals instead of loans and look for profitable deals to rent or sell. You get profit from the sale or rental of the the property or their combination. There usually isn’t a fixed exit schedule for the rental properties so this is quite illiquid since they still haven’t introduced secondary market. I now a days use EvoEstate instead which also lists select Reinvest24 deals.